Vaccination Doesn’t Cause Dementia
Hey guys! In today’s very bizarre Medium article, I put to rest the strawman that very special people seem to think that Covid-19 vaccination can cause dementia. This is absolutely absurd, but I’m addressing this crazy theory anyway. So without further ado, onto the article.
➡ Short version
➡ Long version (evidence-based)
UK charity that deals with dementia on a daily basis and very much experts in this brain disorder state that Covid-19 vaccination doesn’t make dementia worse, plus there is absolutely NO evidence that ANY vaccine (Covid related or not) can give someone dementia who may have never had it before. (Source:
➡ Lower risk of dementia following vaccination
There is scientific evidence to show that getting influenza, Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis) vaccination lowers the risk of dementia. This study found a 42% lower dementia risk in 2 cohorts with different clinical and sociodemographic characteristics. (Source:
💥 Other evidence
A study of approximately 4,000 people over age 65 found that people with previous exposure to vaccines for diphtheria, tetanus, polio, and the flu had a decreased risk for Alzheimer’s disease. After adjusting for age, sex and education, the researcher found that past vaccinations for diphtheria/tetanus, poliomyelitis and influenza were associated with a 59%, 40% and 25% lower risk for Alzheimer’s, respectively. (Source:
Another study of nearly 12,000 people with chronic kidney disease found that flu vaccinated people had a 30–40% lower risk of dementia than their unvaccinated counterparts. Furthermore, the study showed that people who got their flu shots more regularly had a greater benefit in lowering their risk for dementia. (Source:
In a study published May 2021 in the journal Vaccines, researchers in Israel and the U.S. examined health records for some 12,185 bladder-cancer patients treated in both countries from 2000–19. They found that patients over 75 who received BCG treatment had a 27% lower risk for Alzheimer’s some 3½ to seven years later. (Source:
➡ Conclusion
As we can see from the evidence above, Tdap and Flu vaccination can greatly decrease the risk of individuals getting dementia, the evidence shows Covid-19 vaccination or any vaccination for that matter CANNOT cause dementia in people. This false claim has been fully debunked.
💥 Thanks for reading, Lawrence. Please consider a small contribution, in the form of a beer as all articles are created in my small amount of spare time: