Covid-19 Childhood Vaccination ISN’T Child Abuse
In today’s Medium article I’ll be discussing the insane tirades being perpetuated by people against the Covid-19 Vaccination. Worst of it is, they project pro-choice values but anyone they disagree with over getting a child of 5 vaccinated, AVERS state its child abuse. This claim is absolutely ludicrous. I’ll be having a new format of structuring sources for each section as well, hope you like it! Without further ado, let’s get into the article.
➡ Various Claims Made into Decisions
Various claims have been made by people that support this insane notion, people believe Robert Malone invented mRNA vaccines (when he didn’t) [1], thus referring to the absolutely pseudoscientific interview he has with Joe Rogan all claims Malone made here are not scientifically accurate whatsoever, they also don’t understand how clinical trials work [2] or have informed knowledge of the word “experimental”.
AVers support the idea that the vaccines have no long term study data, so let’s look all the way back to March 2020 which was the start of Phase 1 trials [3], early results of Phase 1 (over 2 years ago now) showed that the volunteers had an immune response against the virus with no serious side effects whatsoever. At THIS point they are considered experimental, and I hope this understanding gets through to some that loosely use this term but do not understand it’s meaning. When we get to Phase 3 trials they started around July-August in 2020, one example being AstraZeneca’s Phase 3 trials starting on 28th August 2020 [4]. Still, at this point, it’s considered experimental. Pfizer and Oxford released their data in December 2020, Moderna released there’s in February 2021, with the Clinical Trials concluded and papers peer-reviewed [5], [6], [7]. Now at this point after the peer-review, the vaccines are no longer considered experimental. We also have a huge amount of data that would be considered long term even before we get into the realm of pharmacovigilance [8], we have nearly 2 years worth of clinical data and research data from clinical trials and pharmacovigilance studies right now, looking at the safety, efficacy and the effectiveness of the vaccines. So far the safety data is outstandingly positive.
Then there are supposed long term health issues, I’ve made an article on Medium already going into great detail about this science inconsistency already [9]. (Please the source number to view the article).
[5] Pfizer Phase 3 peer-reviewed data:
[6] AZ peer-reviewed Phase 3 data:
[7] Moderna peer-reviewed Phase 3 data:
➡ Animal Trials Were Conducted
Another AV trope thrown out when people believe vaccinating children against Covid-19 is supposedly child “abuse” is that animals trials were never conducted or the animals died. This is simply not true and animal studies were done and concluded. One’s I’ll be referencing will be the vaccine’s in use within the UK. [1] [2] [3] [4]. Animals after most clinical trials and experiments are humanely euthanised [5] or some will be used again, the reason for using humane euthanisation is that certain clinical data/info can only be taken after an animal has been euthanised, plus the body would be subjected to further lab analysis. We have to understand that animals in this day in age are protected by certain laws in the USA and UK, such as the Animal Welfare Act in the USA, animal research also helps close the gap of knowledge against fighting against microorganisms that create disease. [6]
[1] AZ animal trials:
[2] Moderna animal trials:
[3] Pfizer animal trials:
[4] J&J animal trials:
➡ Misunderstanding of Self-Reporting Systems
Many people seem to misinterpret data from self-reporting systems such as VAERS in the USA and the UK equivalent of the Yellow Card Scheme, neither system infers causality [1] and we have to think nearly every medicine can cause a side effect. [2] I’ve also made an article going into more detail about this subject, so please see numbered citation and have a more thorough read there. [3]
➡ Definition of Child Abuse
According to the NSPCC, child abuse is “when a child is intentionally harmed by an adult or another child” [1] — a child is not being intentionally harmed by a vaccine, most common side effects are headaches and onsite pain at the point of injection, achy muscles or joints and fever which tend to go after 48hrs. [2] This is frequent with most vaccines taken before 2 years of life as well.
When looking at the benefits of Covid-19 vaccination risk of serious illness, hospitalisation and death are dramatically reduced, USA reported VE (Vaccine Efficacy) of 90% against hospitalisation and 91% against death for Pfizer or Moderna respective [3] a French study of over 22 million people found that vaccines cut severe illness by 90% [4], even during the Delta surge when taking a booster, a study from the NEJM science journal stated that “Participants who received a booster at least 5 months after the second dose of BNT162b2 had 90% lower mortality due to Covid-19 than participants who did not receive a booster.” [5].
Looking at this alone would be more than justifiable, yes children can sometimes get Covid-19 a bit milder than adults but we have to put into consideration that post-infection, some kids can get severe lung infections, can become very sick and require hospitalisation. The vaccine would help mitigate these risks, on top of this children can get multisystem inflammatory syndrome [6] that may require your kid to seek serious hospital treatment or end up on an ICU ward. Children can die of Covid-19 as well, this is much less frequent in children than adults though however.
The conclusion to this section is that the benefits of child vaccination really does outweigh the scary possibilities of what could happen to children who are not protected. Vaccination for a child cannot be considered intentional harm at all, if this was the case why is the same precedent not being set for the other 26 vaccinations before your child/ren hits 2 years old? [7]
➡ Conclusion
It’s absolutely every parent's right to choose if they wish to get their child vaccinated, however when it comes to the dangerous treading in the area of “child abuse” it is certainly not child abuse and people should respect the choices of other parents who do get their child/ren protected against SARS-CoV-2.
💥 Thanks for reading, Lawrence. Please consider a small contribution, in the form of a beer as all articles are created in my small amount of spare time: